
The topics listed on the left are major interests involved in managing and enjoying land and species in the countryside. Recently added or revised topics are at the top of the list. A new initiative for communities is especially important. Please click a Topic to view information in that area.

For production and employment, we need farming and forestry, horticulture and aquaculture. For culture and recreation, the importance of eight activities is shown by participation of households in rural communities that were selected for study in Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Turkey and the UK. Government too, at lowest and highest levels, is important for planning long-term sustainability of land and species. Naturalliance wants to help all these interests exchange information that sustains the use of nature’s riches.

Gathering wild products
Feeding wild creatures
Wildlife excursions
Going fishing
The percentage of households enjoying nature in different ways (averaged for a rural community in each of eight European countries).

For each topic, there is explanation of how the use of wild resources can conserve and restore them, and what help you might like Naturalliance to provide. Once you have selected your topic you will be able to view documents and links for national and international sources on:

  • Best Practice
  • Good Ideas
  • Models

With your help, Naturalliance will add to these, in order to cover more and more subjects with greater and greater efficiency.

is supported by
TESS Logo Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust Logo Anatrack Ltd Logo Tero Consulting Logo COUNT Partner International Union for Conservation of Nature Logo